You can use your life insurance policy to help pay for long-term care services through the following options: Combination (Life/Long-Term Care) Products Accelerated Death Benefits (ADBs) Life settlements Viatical settlements Combination Products Many consumers are reluctant to buy long-term care insurance because they fear that their investment will be wasted if they do not use it. Some insurance companies have attempted to solve this problem …
Using Life Insurance as a Retirement Plan (LIRP)
Traditionally with life insurance, the focus has been on the death benefits that are provided to families at the passing of our loved ones. Generally, not enough attention has been paid to the living benefits of a life insurance policy, e.g., the potential for tax-free retirement income, accelerated benefits to cover the expenses of chronic or terminal illnesses and also as a vehicle …
Charitable Giving Newsletter
Click the link below to view it as a PDF: Charitable Giving leaves a legacy – 02 – 13-2017
Life Insurance for Key Persons
Do you have a key person who is critical to your business’s success? Does your business have a key employee whose lost skill, talent, knowledge and expertise could result in serious financial consequences for the organization? Would the loss of a key employee: • Reduce your sales or business earnings? • Create a loss of a specialized skill? • Disrupt …